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The opening ceremony of the project "100 historical films"

The opening ceremony of the project "100 historical films" This project is designed to educate and educate students through historical, cultural development. Increasing your cognitive memory and developing general erudition is a way to find a new way to use your students' free time. The solemn meeting of the “Kazakh Film Singer” coincided with the birthday of Shymkent Aimanov. At the solemn meeting was attended by Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Issues Baytas GB with welcome speechAfter the film about the biography of S. Aimanov, students learned about the life and work of the famous Kazakh actor, director, People's Artist of the USSR, director of the Kazakhfilm studio Kazakhfilm S. Aimanov, promoting the revival and development of Kazakh art.She was familiar with the work of S. Aimanov in the Kazakh Drama Theater, cinema. The song “Mama”, which is famous for the film “Takiy Angel”, was performed by the singer of our school Sabyrzhanova Gulnur. The students learned a lot about Shaken, the sultan of a real guy, inspired by the beauty of the world, as well as a singer and instrumentalist.

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