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Republican parent conference "Kazakhstan parents of the XXI century: become an example for your child". Psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents of grades 5-6-7

This opinion was expressed at the Republican parent conference "Kazakhstan parents of the XXI century: become an example for your child". The Republican conference discussed such topical issues as ensuring information security of the child, strengthening family values. Then it was said that the child could adapt to school, so he was confident.
The purpose of this conference is to assist parents in improving the efficiency of interaction with the school, teachers, psychologists, school leaders.
And all, the teaching staff is always interested in the comfort of our children at school, in achieving friendship with classmates, in active learning, in the saturation of interesting activities for the formation of love, patriotism to the Motherland and its natural resources. Promotion of students' knowledge in the conditions of information security, assimilation of spiritual values, such as a strong family, hard work, responsibility for themselves, their loved ones and for their Homeland.

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